SUPPA had a honor to visit Savills in London on 15th of September for European Capital Markets Seminar.
The great pleasure to meet colleagues in person for very interesting presentations on the currently challenging and changing market.
The key takeaway from one day discussions:
• Offices – buyers and sellers are diverging in their pricing expectations;
• Industrial – low yields are being challenged by higher and increasing costs of debt;
• Apartments – are showing strong resilience, the asset class is contributing a third of the total investment volume in Europe;
• Retail – sector has recovered with rebounded consumption, segmentation in the sector continues;
• Hotel – performance picking up with increased travel demand, the challenge for the sector going forward is decreasing purchasing power due to rising living costs;
• The current economic and political situation possess challenges for the real estate sector going forward, the transaction volumes are decreasing and investors and landlords are in the process of price discovery;
•The market potential, asset quality and environmental sustainability are and will remain critical for the investors.